Motorcycle Accident Attorney

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Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Why You Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney?

It’s not easy recovering from a motorcycle accident, but you should immediately contact a New York motorcycle accident attorney if you have suffered a severe injury. Under New York State law, you could be entitled to monetary compensation for the injuries you suffered and for the expenses incurred as a result of your accident.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If even part of the responsibility for your accident is attributable to another person, you could work with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney on a claim for punitive damages.

Motorcycle crashes frequently occur in New York City. Unfortunately, the number of motorcycle accidents has been rising. Some reasons for this are a desire for faster speeds and a lack of safe infrastructure on many New York City streets. Injuries caused by bike crashes can range from minor to life-threatening.

Duty of Motorcycle Accident Attorney

A New York motorcycle accident attorney may fight hard to prove that drivers are negligent when they fail to keep a reasonable distance between themselves and other road users. It is essential when it comes to driverless car crashes.

Sometimes, drivers turn in front of other vehicles because they believe other drivers don’t need to make room for them. Other times, drivers won’t give other drivers enough space to make it around them safely.

In these cases, a client may be able to compensate for serious motorcycle accident injuries and expenses. An experienced attorney can help you see that your claim has a strong chance of winning, especially if the police arrive after the accident and take pictures of the damaged vehicles.

Photos can often provide crucial evidence at trial. When you talk with your New York motorcycle accident attorney, they may discuss ways to collect on your claim. For example, if you are injured seriously and need long-term medical care, your attorney may fight to get you a large settlement to cover your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

In addition, an attorney can help you fight to prove that the other party was responsible for the injuries or damages you sustained. There are many common causes of motorcycle accidents, which can result in different compensation claims.

For example, you could challenge the insurance company’s rules regarding maximum speeds or minimum distances between vehicles. If you have been hit by a truck, tractor, car, or bus, your lawyer will want to gather as much information as possible to show that you were not at fault.

Your lawyer should also examine the police reports and other records to determine if the accident has been ruled an accident or if there are grounds for negligence.

Not only can your lawyer help you recover from motorcycle accident injuries, but they can also help you fight for the fairest insurance coverage possible. It’s important to note that insurance coverage doesn’t just pay for your medical expenses and pain and suffering; it also covers your lost income due to your inability to work.

Your lawyer can help you argue for the most appropriate compensation in your case. Not only can they help you get the most for your claims, but they can help ensure that your insurance company keeps your premiums as low as possible.

Many people who have been involved in motorcycle crashes and accidents that caused severe injuries caused by defective products, reckless driving, and other negligent behaviors can file their personal injury lawsuits.

However, if you are a driver, you must retain the services of an experienced attorney with extensive experience in motorcycle accidents and personal injury cases.

Not only will your attorney be able to help you recover financially from your injuries caused by these accidents, but they can help you fight for justice and fair compensation. An attorney who has a strong understanding of the law is essential to obtaining the desired compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle accidents that cause severe or permanent injuries are why insurance coverage is available. It is important to remember that these types of cases are rarely settled out of court.

Insurance companies want to maintain their excellent reputation and keep their bills as low as possible. An experienced attorney can help ensure you receive the maximum benefits in the least time from your injuries or other damages caused by accidents.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accident Death

Unexpectedly Turns to the Left

While there are many causes of a motorcycle accident, one of the most common causes is when a vehicle unexpectedly turns to the left (known as a left-hand turn).

Left-hand turns are more likely to occur when a vehicle is traveling up behind or coming up on a motorcycle because a car that makes a turn to the left will need to do so over a longer stretch of road. As a result, the vehicle making the turn will encounter another car while turning itself. It can lead to an accident of confusion that can lead to injury or death.

When Cars Turn in Front of Motorcycles

Another of the most common causes of a motorcycle accident is when cars are turning in front of motorcycles. Because motorcycles have a much smaller chassis, the passenger riding in front of a bike will often find it hard to notice an approaching car, especially while making a sudden left turn.

Unfortunately, this can also lead to an accident of mistaken identity, leading to the wrong (accidental) identification and possibly an involuntary transfer of legal responsibility from the car driver in front of the motorcycle driver. These types of car accident insurance companies tend to pay more in personal injury claims when a turn in front of a motorcycle causes a car accident.

Negligence of Another Person

Another common cause of motorcycle accident injury is when another person’s negligence is proven to be responsible. Negligence can include any inability, reckless disregard, or even conscious neglect on behalf of another person.

For example, if you hit a child playing in a sandbox, you could be liable for their injury. Likewise, if a delivery driver is operating an oversized load visible to other drivers, they may be liable.

Motorcycle riders are particularly susceptible to injuries resulting from a car accident because their protective clothing is generally not designed to protect against impact trauma. For this reason, they are at a greater risk of sustaining life-threatening injuries such as broken limbs.

Riders can also suffer from severe brain injuries if they are involved in a multiple-vehicle collision. Most of these cases are settled out of court, but it is not uncommon for a case to wind up in a jury trial. Injuries incurred during a car accident are almost always someone else’s fault.

High Speed

The most common and tragic accident involving motorcycles occurs when a rider is involved in a high-speed accident. All states have laws governing the minimum speed at which motorcycles are allowed to operate.

However, states have a significant divide regarding how fast motorcycles can be operated. Some states define a “high-speed” motorcycle as one that travels more than 55 miles per hour. Other states, however, define “high speed” as traveling more than 45 miles per hour.

Road Hazards

Road hazards are also one of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents. Many types of road hazards exist, ranging from busy highways to highly congested city streets.

Because motorcycles are often used to travel on busy roads, they are at an increased risk of fatal accidents because of other drivers.Speed traps are amongf the most dangerous types of road hazards for motorcycles. Speed traps are designed to pull motorcycles over, often for minor violations, and then they cause severe injuries or even death.

Fatal Road Conditions

Motorcycles are also commonly involved in fatal road conditions. These include motorcycle crashes, which occur for several different reasons, including multiple automobile accidents or motorcycle riders attempting to make an unsafe turn.

Many times, drivers will assume that a motorcyclist is at fault for a fatal motorcycle accident. As a result, when the negligent driver makes a sudden, unexpected turn in an area where another motorcyclist is riding, innocent victims can become seriously injured, sometimes even killed.

Heavy Vehicles

Other common causes of motorcycle accident fatalities include large, heavy vehicles passing motorcycles, trees, and speeders. The number of deaths in these situations is much higher than in other, less hazardous driving situations.

While motorcycles have their share of danger, they are less likely to result in fatal injuries than automobiles. Motorcyclists can reduce their chances of encountering dangerous road conditions and deadly injuries by using common sense and avoiding situations that put them at risk.


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